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Aminet Uploads - 19.12.1999 - 2

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Charts der am häufigsten geladenen Files
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AminetGUI von A. Kurtz

Konwerter2.14.lha    biz/misc   130K+Convert files from Metastock and Omega t
AEMail.lha           comm/mail  865K+AEMail 2.20 E-Mail GUI w MIME/UUENCODE
nc_update.lha        comm/news  123K+Newsreader Version 1.22 (MUI)
newscoaster.lha      comm/news  270K+Newsreader Version 1.22 (MUI)
plnk.lha             comm/news   13K+Plonk script for Yam2NN 0.85 (ver. 0.5)
CarcHTML.lha         comm/www    14K+V1.00 Create HTML page for archived file
guardamy.lha         comm/www   229K+V1.1 Watch web pages for changes
Millennium.lha       demo/aga   440K+Funny Millennium-Demo
Bonus.lha            dev/asm     10K+Christamss gift from Zeeball/Apathy
cha_source.lha       dev/e       43K+E source code for OctaMED nsm plugins
LittelComp.lha       dev/lang    25K+LITTEL Compiler R4 (badgerattack)
fda-upd.lha          disk/cache  26K+Floppy and ZIP bugfixes 1.8->2.0 update
fda.lha              disk/cache 354K+Faster than PFS also installed V2.0
IdentCDR.lha         disk/cdrom  17K+Identifies CD-R/W media (brand, capacity
Cheat_Mania.lha      game/actio  13M+Funny Slot-Machine with nice features
ADescentSrc.lha      game/shoot 1.3M+ADescent source code
Gwars1_5.lha         game/shoot 460K+Galagawars V1.5 + Source by Michael Ross
Patience.lha         game/think 106K+19 games of patience V1.0
PVS.lha              gfx/board   33K+Global Prefs editor for Picasso96
ExtractJPEGs.lha     gfx/conv     7K+Extracts JPEGs (e.g. from Quicktime movi
FPScon.lha           gfx/conv     6K+Reduces the framerate of video frame seq
akMPEG2.lha          gfx/show   126K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V3.06 (68k/
Arc64.lha            misc/emu    15K+C64 archive processor V2.2
pie_no666.lha        mods/hardc 443K+Hardcore by Dj Pie / Lunatic 99
02_world.mpg         mods/mpg   5.8M+Synth with some heavy guitars...
03_manhi.mpg         mods/mpg   7.0M+Psycho Prodigy/Goa-metal...
04_proje.mpg         mods/mpg   7.2M+Meshuggah/Thordendal inspired metal...
05_error.mpg         mods/mpg   6.3M+Psychadelic Trance/Thrash-metal...
06_float.mpg         mods/mpg   6.8M+Prodigy-inspired metal...
07_polyg.mpg         mods/mpg   5.4M+Prodigy-inspired metal...
08_cloud.mpg         mods/mpg   8.9M+Trance/Acid/Goa-metal...
09_eyebe.mpg         mods/mpg   4.3M+Fast rave???.... :)
10_nucle.mpg         mods/mpg   4.9M+Prodigy-inspired thrashmetal...
11_the.mpg           mods/mpg   2.7M+Fast Drum'N Bass-Goa...
pie_core.mpg         mods/mpg   2.1M+Hardcore By Dj's Pie & Slade / Lunatic
cha_autotempo.lha    mus/edit     8K+Adjust sample pitch to fit tempo in Octa
cha_bassdrum.lha     mus/edit    11K+Bassdrum generator for OctaMED
cha_echo.lha         mus/edit    10K+OctaMED nsm plugin - better echo effect
cha_filter.lha       mus/edit    21K+OctaMED nsm plugin - better filter effec
cha_stanley.lha      mus/edit    24K+Cut up samples easily in OctaMED
Amoralplay1.4b.lha   mus/play   113K+-amorel- No fuss multiformat audio playe
A1200R_1.jpg         pix/misc    26K+Selfmade Amiga1200 19inches rack machine
A1200R_2.jpg         pix/misc    19K+Selfmade Amiga1200 19inches rack machine
A1200R_3.jpg         pix/misc    15K+Selfmade Amiga1200 19inches rack machine
A1200R_back.jpg      pix/misc    24K+Selfmade Amiga1200 19inches rack machine
A1200R_inside1.jpg   pix/misc    36K+Selfmade Amiga1200 19inches rack machine
A1200R_inside2.jpg   pix/misc    46K+Selfmade Amiga1200 19inches rack machine
BlurryBoing.jpg      pix/misc    11K+Blurry BoingBall Background Image
chatlogo.jpg         pix/misc    11K+Amiga Chat (website) logo
freplace.lha         util/cli     7K+Replaces substrings in filenames
maildecoder.lha      util/cli     3K+Maildecoder V1.0 Mail attachment decoder
mailencoder.lha      util/cli     2K+Mailencoder V1.0 Mail attachment encoder
SeqNum.lha           util/cli     7K+Renumbers file sequences
VersCheckV2.lha      util/cli   815K+Check your libs,MUI,devs,dtypes,classes,
VersCv2Fix1.lha      util/cli    11K+Bugfix VersCheck V2 FINAL (InstallerScri
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype  35K+JFIF-JPEG datatype (WarpOS/PPC) V44.2
Safe.lha             util/virus  27K+Best new linkviruses detector v12.1

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